Tuesday, November 30

i can describe this... WONDERFUL DAY!!!

tak nak cakap byk, bace je! law x nak, ada simbol cross di penjuru window anda. just wanna say...


tu je lah, dah bace kan? phm phm la aku tgh rase ape skg nih... fuhh~

Saturday, November 27

27th november of 2010

hohoi~ i mean assalamualaikum~ hola! what my last post about? hah? u haven't read it? hahaha. ok, nonsense! erm, today i have to live alone home for 1 night, cause my family are going to muar. yeah, like usual... yippiee!! finally, im alone!! i like it! then now, i stay home with my two cousin and going to be baby sister for them like fadhil said! hahaha, i have served lunch for them. im also chef in home coincidently. mum said, if u want save the money from buying food out there, u can cook! then u can take the money as a your reward! waa~ i never cook before and i got money freely !!! my first time recipe in my life was telo masok kethcup(melayu bese+klate+org puteh) !

my cook was guided by my father. everything bout the recipe was i followed. my cook almost done! i close to my first cook successly! then before i served it in a bowl, i take a spoon of the cook for a test. not like i guess! whatthe? itst too hot and too salty! yuckss~ oh my tuhan~ what can i do now?!! erm, i got an idea. i have put a glass of water in my cook. then test it again. but its like.... boleh ler~ fuh, dad told me, "next time i will teach u how to cook sardin" i dont know how to respon after what have i done. but i determine to cook well after this, i will improve it. ceh ceh ceh~

p/s; sorry if there any broken english in my post! im just to test my writting cause i miss my english teacher laa ! how much can i get? hahaha, x de la!

Friday, November 19

hari ni berapa bln ea?

waa... i mean salam~ erm, byk story nih! tapi x tau nk mulakan camner? any suggestion? tape la. skang ni aku dlm... dlm... dlm... rumah la! lawak nye laa~ yee... aku dlm dilema la. dilema? iye? yela, aq punye 'tut..' (mesti nak sensed gak ke) maseh blom dituntut. sory ea msj msj yg x terbalas! wait a hour... ape? ko tak dpt agy fon? nak kene 'tut..' (yg ni mesti di sensed) taon depan pon x dpt? ape ke hal demikian nya?! tu la dilema nye...

lame an aq x post blog? hahaha, baru nak gtau! peduli pe ko post kje tak? sape nak bace blog ko sual!! hahaha. pe agy nak citer ea, yela, seblom ni mmg ade byk kali nawaytu nak post blog skang nih. da blurr~ lantak ar!

hah! hari ni sebuah family iaitu sedara aq nak dtg! :O phm tak ayat tuh? eheem, ye, mereka nak dtg. sepupu aku yg gtau kat fb smlm. dah la pow aku adiah sbb dye dpt num satu dlm kelas. then aku pk ada byk sgt duet kat dlm poket tuh. then lagi, i tied a promise to give something to her! then lagii, no money anymore in my purse right now! i have used to buy baju baja at sunway last wednesday~ huh, pe nak buat. dye suh belanja kat nilai. dye ngn family dye nak shopping shoppang kat ctu~

p/s; aku rindu kwnkwn!

Thursday, November 4

macammacam laa...

holla+hohoi~ tgh buat ape kwnkwn? saye? tgh dgr radio~ awak pulak? owh, tape2. ye, aku tau la! x yah ckp agy. "adan plek plek dowh~!". ari ni mmg best. bgn pagi jer awal bhai~ tau sbb pe? perut satu ari ni meragam. tuh bgn awl, bkn mandi. tapi ulg alik gi tandas. bese nye aku akan pk ni satu nikmat. sbb bleh blek. tapi anggapan tuh aku kebumikan awal. sbb ari ni ade... JUALAN PERDAGANGAN! tah la pe name jualan tuh senanye. men name kan je... hahaha:). back to the story just now.
report kat ustz. ........ "kamu tgu kat skolah la! pergi ngn guru bertugas". what ttaa?? pergh, dlm kandungn aku mase tuh cam dah ade satu hidupan parasit yg mengerikan. aku bygkan, rasaksa dlm citer atoman tuh, tgh musnahkan bandar. aaauuummm~ pendek citer. pergi skolah, cikgu bertugas pon x leh pakai gak. dah la mummy asrm suh brkumpul nk jmpe dak asrm. pergh~ rasaksa da la x bleh dijinakkan lagi. tahan je la.
abes je jmpe mummy. x jumpe lak guru bertugas. but alhamdullilah laa. tibe rasaksa beransur jinak sedikit. but still kene thn sket. then, aku menerus kan aksi aku. iaitu ditugaskan mempromotpromot marshmellow coklat! jualan amat mengglakkan. x kurg gak gerai jiran kelas aku. sume taknak kalah! moment yg mngkin susa plg dilupekan~ cceehh~